About the Book

Doomed, Unless:

How Climate Change and Political Correctness will Destroy Modern Civilization

DOOMED, UNLESS: How Climate Change and Political Correctness will Destroy Modern Civilization by LUC GAGNON Author

Heat waves, droughts, forest fires, hurricanes, and floods are more and more frequent and intense.  There is now a consensus that Climate Change is guilty.  But despite this, policies to reduce emissions are in a deadlock.  The world is caught in the following cycle:

Scientific institutions need subsidies from governments.  As a result, they make moderate assessments of climate risks because they do not want to offend politicians.
During international conferences on Climate Change, politicians must give the impression that they will solve the problem.  They make commitments to reduce emissions.
Countries do not dare implement measures that will affect the lifestyle of their citizens.  As a result, the commitments are not respected.

In the last 30 years, this cycle has been repeated every five years without any serious progress.

Climate change impacts have been greatly underestimated, while the benefits of new technologies have been overestimated.  This is a recipe for disaster.  The cause of this deadlock is political correctness: a social exercise where politicians and experts must ensure that nobody is offended.  It becomes unacceptable to say that a group is creating a problem.  For example, it is unacceptable to say that the suburban lifestyle consumes large quantities of energy.

Politicians prefer to listen to promoters of new technologies, who make unreasonable promises.

Political correctness is dangerous: it has lured us into false perceptions that will ensure failure.  Fortunately, understanding political correctness allows us to transform these false perceptions into efficient actions.

Table of content

Introduction: The cycle of empty promises

  1. Climate issues, greatly underestimated by political correctness
  2. The need for clean electricity, underestimated by a factor of three
  3. Suburban sprawl, the energy consumption multiplier
  4. Harmful trends in heating and air conditioning
  5. Transportation: The Big Lie concerning zero-emission vehicles
  6. Transportation: The large potential of trams
  7. Transportation: Changing the ″rules of the game″
  8. Food and Agriculture: One action for the climate
  9. The small actions culture, a distraction
  10. Green taxes or Ecological fiscal reform?
  11. Population growth, the forbidden issue


Publication Date

October 26, 2022





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