
2022, L. Gagnon, “DOOMED, UNLESS: How Climate Change and Political Correctness Will destroy Modern Civilization”, Tellwell, 187 p.

2014 to 2021, Numerous publications in La Presse and Le Devoir

2013, I.S. Modahl, H.L. Raadal, L. Gagnon, T.H. Bakken, “How methodological issues affect the energy indicator results for different electricity generation technologies”, Energy Policy, no. 63 p. 283-299

2012, L. Gagnon, P.-O. Pineau, “Road transportation in Quebec: What is the appropriate economic signal about the costs of accidents and air pollution?, HEC internet site on Sustainable Development 

2011, H.L. Raadal, L. Gagnon et al., “Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions from the generation of wind and hydro power”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, p. 3417-3422

2011, L. Gagnon, Global Energy Assessment 2011, author on Hydropower chapter, “Energy Resources and Potentials”, p. 475-78, International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis

2008, Civilisation and Energy Payback, Energy Policy, vol. 36, p. 3317-3322

2007, L. Gagnon, M. Truchon, “Life-cycle assessment, an essential tool to define priorities in managing GHG emissions”, World Energy Congress, 6 p., November 2007

2002, L. Gagnon, C. Bélanger, Y. Uchiyama, “Life-cycle assessment of electricity generation options: the status of research in year 2001”, Energy Policy, vol.30, no. 14, p. 1267-78

2002, C. Bélanger, L. Gagnon, “Adding wind energy to hydropower”, Energy Policy, vol.30, no. 14, p. 1279-84

2000, International Energy Agency, IEA Initiative on “Hydropower and the Environment”; author of chapter 3 “Comparative environmental analysis of power generation options“

1998, L. Gagnon, C. Bélanger, “Windpower: More Renewable than Hydropower?”, Hydro Review, Aug. 1988, p. 78-87

1997 L. Gagnon, Erik Haites, “Toward Systems of Tradeable Emissions Permit”, Ecodecision,
Fall 1997, p. 62-64

1997 L. Gagnon, Hydropower: a major tool to reduce greenhouse gas emissions“,
International Journal on Hydropower & Dams, vol. 4, no. 4p. 20-22

1997 L. Gagnon, J.F. Van de Vate, “Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Hydropower; The State of Research in 1996“, Energy Policy, vol.25, no.1, p. 7-13

1991 L. Gagnon, “Impacts of the car-bungalow-suburb trilogy”, Ecodecision, Dec. 1991, p. 53-56

Selected publications in French:

2014 Luc Gagnon, Jean-François Lefebvre et Jonathan Théorêt, Modalités et avantages d’une réforme fiscale écologique pour le Québec : Mythes, réalités, scénarios et obstacles, Novembre 2014, 71 p.

1993 Échec des écologistes?  Bilan des décennies 70 et 80, éditions du Méridien, thèse de doctorat, 400 p.  Comparaison de la performance de 4 pays : Canada, États-Unis, France, Allemagne fédérale

1988 Préface de L. Gagnon et H. Mead, Notre avenir à tous, rapport de la Commission mondiale sur l’environnement et le développement, éditions Du Fleuve